How we will save Truth and Life
Minority Check post date: February 9th, 2022
Let us pray! Today more than ever, we must pray….
Remember His Word “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”
before being crucified on Mount Calvary, a place called The Skull.
And now, in the absence of our prayers,
will be crucified, in the public arena, Truth and Life.
From day one of the great divine plan,
for our redemption, His death and resurrection were prescribed.
Embittered by this great loss and angry, His ruthless nemesis
got down to work. Persecution, enslavement, tyranny, confusion, chaos.
Now determined towards the abolition of Truth and Life…Without Resurrection
More than ever, we must pray… Let us pray!
Fields, woods and meadows, countryside, and remote land as well, look quiet
while Truth and Life are suppressed, slandered, and ridiculed.
The cross of intolerance being erected between buildings and skyscrapers
while on the cobblestones and between the walls, division settles.
This favored lethal weapon of the Ruthless,
of Instigators, and participants believing themselves more powerful than God.
Yes, more than ever we must pray.
For those who attend, as resigned observers.
For those rebelling against it all yet believing themselves powerless.
For its soldiers, courageous resistance fighters, often discouraged.
At dawn, at dusk and at any moment connecting both
let’s call on this divine weapon, let’s get it out of oblivion.
Let’s put on this resplendent armor.
And in front of this spread splendor of all of us so bravely adorned,
the instigators and the participants near or far
will quickly become helpless and horrified,
facing the power of God.
The resigned observers will then be all ardor, and all courage
Through this divine power.
Those helpless rebels are now galvanized and equipped.
Through the power of God
fighters are fortified for the ultimate battle.
Carried by our prayers, we will find the Way.
Yes! By this divine power, all of us,
united and determined, we will save Truth and Life.