Intro Homework

These are baseline homework to be done throughout the programm.

Flatten anxiety and find inner peace

  • Replace the daily news with meditation, spiritual talks, yoga, Taiichi, exercise etc.
  • It is beautiful outside, go for nice leisure walks; make a habit of it.
  • During  your nice leisure walks, whenever your path crosses the path of someone else,  acknowledge their presence with proper greetings ex. Hi, good morning,  a nice smile. And continue on your way leaving nice wishes behind ” enjoy a beautiful  day!, etc. This may be awkward at first, but you will get used to it and may come to enjoy these encounters…

You need more connectivity !

  • Do some gardening, (maybe you have a green thumb in need to express itself!). 
  • Get some good restful sleep
  • Listen to this video about gutfeelings