
“It’s your road and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.”


You are exactly where you need to be. Perhaps from your own journey, quest for truth, perhaps  from an invitation sent by a loved one or concerned person in your life.

Choices; from the moment we open our eyes to the moment we close them, we face uncertainties, we make choices and take decisions. Some decisions can impact our life in a substantial way. Those cannot be taken on a flip of a coin. Some choices require more thinking, more insight, more wisdom. Some choices call for us to dig even deeper into our consciousness, our sense of ethics, and may call us to transcend our human weaknesses. These are difficult choices, those choices which put in the balance two seemingly equally important elements from our personal value system. How to choose between freedom and conscience? This is when the going gets tough…

It is hard when your conscience sends you against the mainstream way of thinking, when important people in your life share opposite views. The final decision can have very sad consequences in terms of relationship, in terms of way of life. When the issue at hand, the polemic, making the decision is tearing families apart, one has to really think ‘’ is this really worth it?’’, ‘’Is there a better way to address this?’’  ‘’ Am I missing something?’’

Since the beginning of mankind, families have been divided on different topics, on diverse man made concepts; land, inheritances, politics, religion, race etc.  Although we are still gripping and trying to recuperate some peace from those divisions, unfortunately enough a brand new divide emerged in 2020, brought by the Covid-19 crisis: Cov-frictions.

Perhaps your family, your couple, a significant friendship, is crippled with many Cov-frictions; conspirations theories, misinformation, Cov-hesitancy vs Cov- vaccination to name a few. Standing on a crossroad,  you are now reading this, in response to your own quest or to someone inviting you. Will you choose to continue to go on truthfully, to dig deeper? or will you discard the invitation, postpone your quest until you forget about it?

This can be one of those life changing moments. If you decide to continue to dive into your quest for truth, to venture into the unknown, it may not be easy but you will acquire the much needed Cov-awareness in order to maintain balance, to regain power, to hold on to your precious relationships.

Your choice: Cov-awareness vs Cov-Friction.
