
In this Covid-19 crisis, an enormous politicization of the issue of vaccination can be observed: many measures were based on popular demand and electoral capital, not on reliable science nor  tangible facts.

You probably have heard so many times ” The benefit outweighs the risks” about the Cov-vaccines. What benefit and what risk is left unnamed. Individual benefit vs system benefits? How was this calculated? If it Covid19 risk vs vaccines risk,  the issue is different for each  member of society.

In order to start this analytical process, this process of thinking for yourself,  you need to create an environment of inner peace and quiet. Ground yourself away from external fear, influence, coercion. It is most recommended to disconnect from the media (social or mainstream) if you feel that some addiction towards them is taking place. Make a feel good schedule incorporating walks, meditation, quiet time. Reconnect with how you feel about your surroundings without the external influence. Is it peaceful around you? What do you sense when taking a walk ? Do you still feel fearful? If so, identify, confront and control your fear if possible.

  1. Prepare a document folder ( electronic or real) named ‘’ Towards Cov-awareness ‘’.
    1. ”Cov-Awareness Vs Cov friction” where you can keep document that you would like to keep as reference
  2. Prepare bookmarks folder 
    1. ” Cov- Awareness vs Cov-friction” where you can save web pages that you would like to keep as reference.
  3. Now, take a moment to evaluate if you can be open minded, analytical and objective throughout this process. Because it is paramount in order for you to get your answers. 

Before going into the knits and crannies of the information put forward below, you will need tools to be rightfully critical of everything you will read. Even Myth Busters and  Fact Checkers, can be full of half-truths and be supporting an alternate agenda.

Follow the tips put forward by the World Health Organization:

How to navigate digital information

Even when what you read seems to make sense, and is aligned with your thoughts, you still need to be critical and aware of possible misinformation. Avoid, discard information adding political partisan views into the vaccination debate. Take a moment to verify the sources, to go through reference articles etc.

Beware of emotionally charged  “expert opinion” based on personal experience of the “expert” when they are not backed with some reliable scientific explanation of a choice, or a point of view. In such cases, the expert becomes a normal regular ” John or Jane” expressing themselves, giving a simple testimonial of their personal hard time coping with the crisis.

Finally, have pen and paper ready. Throughout this process, you will need to take notes of things that really surprised you, of  things you want to further analyze, of your feelings and of questions that will come to your mind. Also take note of your initial frame of mind when you started this process. What is your gut telling you?  Where is the decision leaning toward? Or indecision… And why.

Take note of it. And you are now ready to start..